Chen Qi went to the company to investigate and teach Party lessons

来源: 时间: 2020-12-09


Recently, Chen Qi, a member of the Party group and deputy general manager of Chinalco group, went to the company for investigation and gave a party lecture at the party building contact point.

Chen Qi visited the exhibition hall of the enterprise and the production site of the electronic copper strip factory, and got a detailed understanding of the product specifications, application fields and production processes. At the contact point of grass-roots party building -- the finishing rolling Party branch of Luoyang Copper processing electronic copper strip factory, Chen Qi had a discussion with the members of the Party branch to understand in detail the work nature, personnel allocation and the role of the Party branch in the finishing rolling area. He called on the Party branch of the finishing mill to promote the organizational construction, give full play to the role of the Party branch as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of the party members, promote the deep integration of Party building and production and operation, unite and lead the employees in the work area, contribute to the completion of the production and operation objectives and tasks of the unit and the long-term development of the enterprise, and build the branch into an advanced benchmark.

Then, after listening to the report on the production , Chen Qi asked the enterprise to firmly adhere to the annual target and not relax, and solidly promote various work to ensure that the annual target and task are completed on schedule. For the next step of work, Chen Qi asked, first, to think early and plan for the next year's work. Second, it is necessary to turn around the losses of enterprises as soon as possible. Third, we should strengthen communication with government departments to revitalize land resources. Fourth, we should make good use of the advantages of central enterprises and improve their market competitiveness. Fifth, we should deepen the reform and enhance the endogenous power. Sixth, we should do a good job in safety production, environmental protection and protection of major hazard sources. Seventh, we should strengthen party building, give full play to the advantages of Party building, and make party building and central work closely integrated. We must firmly rely on the staff and workers to run the enterprise, unswervingly, and give full play to the talents of the staff and workers.


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